Our Community

There are pros and cons of condo living but of the most important thing you should remember is that you are in a community and we must install a level of respect in our day to day interactions with each other, visitors, contractors, volunteers and the Board.

South Pointe is a larger community living and given that we have multiple buildings, although similar in design, they are surprisingly very different in age and in resident composition.

Some buildings are older than others, have more rental units, have a parkade, have one or more storage units, different element exposure and irrigation requirements are only some differences.

It may surprise many that we still have a high number of original owners in our complex which means they have seen a lot. The Board treats the complex as a whole unit and always views upgrades to the complex as ones that must done to every building, not just one. However, repairs and maintenance we are not always so lucky. We must prioritize repairs and maintenance and in many cases based decision on allocated budget ammounts.

The Board hears many regular complaints, insults and on the rare occasion compliments and listens to all of them. We make all decisions ethically and with costs in mind.

This complex does not belong to one, it belongs to all of the owners. As an owner you have an obligation to support the overall development, maintenance & safety within our complex. Protecting our complex is protecting your investment. Everything has a cost and there is no unlimited amount of money that can cover for your lack of care, damages, tenant issues, dumping, security breaches, lawsuits and extra cleaning because you traced mud through the halls, vomit or poop in elevators, or improper garbage disposal are just a few. We have some of the lowest condo fees in the city! Help us protect our complex and all of our investments.