Standard Tenant Undertaking Form
As announced at the AGM, the bike racks have been removed from the entrances of the buildings making things much tidier. We have added additional bike storage within both garbage shed that is available at an annual cost of $25 per space.
Absentee Owner Information Form
Pet Application
Intercom Change
Architectural & Renovation Request
Our Community
There are pros and cons of condo living but of the most important thing you should remember is that you are in a community and we must install a level of respect in our day to day interactions with each other, visitors, contractors, volunteers and the Board.
South Pointe is a larger community living and given that we have multiple buildings, although similar in design, they are surprisingly very different in age and in resident composition.
Continue reading “Our Community”Staffing Update and Office Site hours
We hear you but we ask that you also hear us! We will not be going back to a full time office manager on site but we have made other accommodations that we believe provides the same, or better support that is needed.
Continue reading “Staffing Update and Office Site hours”Reserve Fund Study 2023
Did you know that having an up to date Reserve Fund Study is a requirement under the Condominium Act of Alberta. Not only is it a requirement that it must be completed every five years but also it dictates how the money in the reserve fund can be spent.
Its that time again to complete and updated Reserve Fund Study for South Pointe. You might think this is an easy task but it is far from it. A reserve fund review is not done by the Board but rather an outside qualified firm. To complete there are many meetings, reviews of the site, contracts, previous upgrades, maintenance and just overall wear of the complex that is all reviewed. Not an easy task but an essential one that we take quite seriously. Although our professionals drive the process the Board does have input to any additions, changes and updates. Feedback always welcomed.